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Spine Radiology

To get extensive information on spine radiology, conditions, and treatments, please visit the North American Spine Society.


Weight Bearing MRI & CT

With the addition of weight bearing™ MRI and weight bearing™ CT to our facility in Mease Dunedin, we now offers the most advanced technology currently available for diagnosis of mechanical back and joint pain.


Weight Bearing MRI and/or CT is now available if you are in need of a positional or weight-bearing study to evaluate your spine or joints for an accurate diagnosis. Your physician may request an upright or weight bearing scan because this can simulate your position as if you were sitting, standing or lying down in the position that helps visualize different areas of the anatomy. While other scanners that perform similar maneuvers, the scan times in those are longer and the image quality weaker as they have a field strength of only 0.6T. By comparison, the Dunedin MRI has a field strength of 3T surpassing the other scanners in quality and speed. A weight bearing MRI is equivalent to an upright or stand up MRI, yet produces higher quality pictures at faster speed. There are no other facilities in our region offering Weight Bearing CT at this time.